Monday, August 14, 2006


Yesterday we went to the local children's museum. I happen to love this museum. I think I enjoy it more than the kids. With three little ones, each with different tastes, we are soon seperated but occasionally we would reconnect with one or the other.

While Miss Independence and I were playing at the firestation exhibit, she calls out to Storyteller to come over. Storyteller sees the fire truck and races over. They climb on the truck for awhile and then head up the stairs to get to the pole but that is locked up. They slid down the slide. Storyteller leaps up from the mat and races to the pole. She proceeds to climb that pole from the ground up. Storyteller climbs and climbs. She makes it all the way up to the locked gate. I AM FLABBERGASTED!

When I was in junior high we were expected to climb a rope and ring a bell hung from the ceiling. Most of the guys were able to do this. They would race each other. We had two ropes. As far as us girls, several girls could climb 1/4 to 1/2 way up the rope. Maybe we had one or two girls that were able to climb all the way to the ceiling. I on the other hand had absolutely no skill, strength or desire to climb that rope. I tried a few times and could never make it a foot off the ground. Finally our coach got so frustrated he let me climb the rope using his hands. He'd put his hands around the rope and I would put my feet on his hands and pull myself up. I got as far as he could reach over his head. I don't remember how I got down. I probably just fell. Although, that sounds a little scary, maybe I just slid down and gave myself rope burn.

Now I've witnessed my child climb like a pro. I was so proud of her as she ascended. I don't know why that should surprise me for Storyteller often pick-ups close to her weight. She loves to pick-up her 30 pound baby sister. Storyteller is only 40 to 45 pounds herself. She'll even pick-up Drama Queen. DQ is 40 pounds.

Like I've said before Storyteller isn't fat-- she's dense. It's mostly all muscle.

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