Monday, August 28, 2006

Goose tape! No, No duck tape!

Recently a co-worker, who is a mother of two girls, told me about the public school programs that your children are expect to participate to the fullest level. These are the science fair projects and invention project. Apparently they alternate between the two events every year.

Well I thought the science fair sounded like a doable thing but I really bulked at the thought of forcing children to invent something. I remembered fifth grade where we were forced to write poetry. Seems stupid to me because not everyone is gifted in the language arts. I mean poetry is art. You need a muse! I think invention is along the same line. To invent one must be creative. Not everyone is creative.

Well, yesterday morning Storyteller made me rethink my hesitation about the invention event. We recently watched the movie, Mouse Hunt with Nathan Lane and Lee Evans. Storyteller asked me what we would do if our mouse traps were broken. This is Sunday morning. I don't do well on Sunday mornings. I'm getting all psyched about getting to church on time because our priest is a frustrated teacher. He demands that people be on time.

But I digress. So Storyteller then goes into this very involved idea she has for a mouse trap. It sounds a little messy at first. At first she wants to use glue to catch the mouse. Something about a lid with glue. I guess she thought it would walk through the glue to get to the bait and then get stuck. So when I called her on the messiness of her idea and that I didn't think a mouse would walk through a glue pond, she re-evaluated and re-worked her invention. Instead of glue it was going to be goose tape! Passionfruit looked at me. I looked at Passionfruit. Neither of us are very clear with what goose tape is. I can only imagine she meant duct tape. Storyteller sees the confusion running across our faces and bursts out with, "Not goose tape! Duck tape! Duck tape!"

Later that day Passionfruit and I were trying to remember what Storyteller had said that had sent us into a laughing fit. We couldn't remember for the life of us. Finally while driving past the Duck pond at the local university we saw a flock of geese and at the same time Passionfruit and I said, "Goose tape!" Which of course sent us into laughter again. We had a nice Sunday, which is pretty significant because normally they aren't too fun.

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