Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween on my street

This year I stayed home to hand out candy. Actually I refused to hand out the candy. I was still sickly and I didn't want to touch anything. I just told folks to grab a few pieces for themselves.

My first group of trick-or-treaters were the older boys in the neighborhood. They were all decked out in a variety of black costumes and scary masks. They were having fun, and boy did they grab huge handfulls of the goods. I did worry after they left that I might not have enough candy if everyone went after the bowl like they did.

The next group was mother and son. Sexy neighbor was all duded out like Elvira minus the big boobs. Her youngest was dressed up as a Ninja. He needed to go potty so a stop into our house was a necessity. He was quickly followed by the most adorable skunk. So this skunk ran all through the public areas of my house looking for the goods. I couldn't believe the mother just stayed on the front porch. What in the world was she thinking? Apparently she knew Sexy neighbor and figured if Sexy neighbor would let her little Ninja whiz in my house then little skunk ought to be safe, too.

Finally, got the little skunk out of the house and led him to the goods on the table on the front porch. They quickly moved on after his candy seeking was satisfied. Things finally got moving after that. I loved the little ones that were pushed in their strollers. Several of them were so imperious, like little emperors reviewing their subjects.

Later we got a visit from Tinker Bell. By this time my own little trick-or-treaters were home; maybe they were what caught Tink's eye. All I know is that Tink pushed passed me and was pressing her nose against the side panel windows of my front door. Tink had absolutely no interest in the candy offering. She wanted to check out my house. I really felt for the mortified parents who kept calling to her. Nice to know that other children don't listen to their parents.

I rather enjoyed staying home and manning the candy bowl. Trick-or-treating certainly is a great opportunity for people watching. Oh! I suppose I ought to tell you what each girl was for Halloween. Drama Queen was an Asian princess, a la Barbie style; Storyteller, went as a fairy (a last minute change); and Miss Independence was a devil. They all looked so cute. They came home with a ton of candy and today they spent sometime devouring it after returning from school today.


Adjective Queen said...

I wish I could stay home some Halloween and give out candy. Or hide in a pile of leaves and jump out to scare the kiddies. Maybe next year!

QueenBee said...

What?! How dare you have a devil, remember, no "scary" costumes. I love it! Sounds like things were quite entertaining.