Wednesday, November 08, 2006


At 10:30 this morning I got a call from the child care place. "Miss Independence is running a fever, please come and collect her." So I turn to my co-worker and tell him I'm gone for the day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

I hurry over to the center. Miss Independence is in the office. She is really hot. She wasn't hot this morning when I held her in my arms. But I thought she was getting sick because she's been rather cranky lately. So I look at this as an opportunity to run some errands. I deposit some checks that have been hanging around in my purse for a while. Then I go to the downtown post office to mail out a contract that is tardy. While I'm there I decide to head down to the headquarters for the public library I work at part-time. They have a loyalty oath I need to sign.

In the time that it takes me to drive to those various places Miss Independence falls asleep. Now I know she's not feeling well. I find a parking space downtown and get MI out of the car. We walk the half of a block to the library. MI is excited because we are going to ride an elevator. She's as good as gold for me while I conduct the business at hand.

Then we head home. MI lays on the couch and doesn't move. Her eyes are all glassy looking. She looks like death warmed over. I take her to meet up with grandma and her sisters. My mom thinks I ought to take her to the doctor's. My experience is they just look at me say, "She has a fever. Nothing we can do about fevers except to give a Tylenol or Motrin." So I consider it a waste of time. Sure MI looks horrible but she isn't convulsing so I'm not worried. By 3 o'clock MI's temperature was 103.something. I give her a Motrin. I arrange for DQ and ST to get picked up by their father and head on home.

When we get home, MI makes her way to the couch. We proceed to have a marathon movie session. We end with Shrek 2. Through all the movies MI doesn't move. At the end of Shrek 2 MI gets up and sits on me. Next thing I know I'm soaking wet. MI is erupting. Lucky for me all she's had all day long are fluids. We clean up and get ready for bed. Now MI is raring to go. MI tells me that I forgot to feed her dinner. I told her she just threw up and I'm not about to put anything in her. MI looks so much better. It's like a miracle. One second she's barely alive and moving and the next second she's ready to play. Amazing.

1 comment:

QueenBee said...

Yeah, kids are stronger than we think. I'm with you on taking them to the doctor. LP has asthma and she had a coughing attack last week and I just give her breathing treatments every three hours until her airways are clear, the same thing the doctor would do. I guess when she runs out of albuterol, I'll take her in so I can get a new prescription. I was off last Thursday, she coughed all night Wed., but by midday Thursday she was up and bouncing around, while I was still beat. Kids-- gotta love 'em.