Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well it's getting to be that time of year where everyone is gearing up for the holidays. I don't know, maybe because I'm still not feeling well, I'm just not feeling up to the holiday bustle. I'm not saying I hate the holidays; I'm just not in it.

It's only the beginning of November and already I've seen Santa Claus strutting across the TV screen once too often. The advertisers have jumped into high gear stressing the materialistic side of the seasons. Best Buy has annoyed me to no end, and all I did was watch one show on the History channel last night.

So I suppose I shall just turn off the TV. Limit the kids TV watching to movies and videos. I will curl up with my terrorist books. I've started reading Daniel Silva books. They are a pretty fast read with a lot of action. I've read all the romance books I can take. Adjective Queen and I often giggled over these romances. We both felt that we could write stories that are just as good. Although, neither of us could write the sappy lines like, "Come and sit upon my oak branch." Sheeesh. I can't believe people read these books without cracking up. I spent a fair amount of my time laughing while reading these romances. Passionfruit still doesn't understand why I was reading them. There are two romance writers that I like because they don't take themselves so seriously. They write with wit and good humor Lynsay Sands and Celeste Bradley. I love it-- romance with humor.

Well, I've got to run. Maybe in December I'll feel more in the mood for the holidays. I know that the kids get all excited. Their excitement is contagious. My favorite thing is to be up on Christmas morning before the kids with a cup of coffee and the tree lights on. It is one of the most peaceful settings. Predawn light and Christmas tree lights it is all so very relaxing.


Adjective Queen said...

I know the holiday season is upon us when I start sobbing in the shower as I'm stressing about all the things I've got to do. I hate the holidays. But you know that.

QueenBee said...

Everything is materialized now. I was thinking about Christmas in September, serious problem. I hope by the time comes I won't be frazzled.