Monday, June 05, 2006

Not dead yet; or, at least still appealing

Well I spent a rather frantic morning trying to gather up all the pieces for the girls first day at camp. If I were a better mother and better organized I would have had their little backpacks all packed and ready for them the night before. Unfortunately, I am just a pooped, self absorbed mother. Instead of concentrating on the needs of my little rug rats last night I watched a movie. I had run out of my reading supplies. I also did the dishes. But to get back on track it was one of the those mornings where I didn't get any breakfast. I also had an eye doctor's appointment this morning.

After dropping MI off at preschool, I headed to the doctor's office. Spotting a McDonalds up ahead where I won't have to make a left turn; I stop for some bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit combo. I simply must have ketchup on hashbrowns. I walk up and see that they have one of those pump things for the ketchup. Remembering back to that fateful day twenty years ago in high school as a sophomore, I approach the monster with caution. I know that I am risking the clothing on my back to a spray of ketchup. Carefully I press down. Whoooooooooooshh! Yes the damn thing sprayed me like a frightened skunk. I am covered! Oh my gosh! I look down fearing the worse. I must not have pissed off the ketchup or Monday gods for I have been spared the ketchup disaster! I had been sprayed with the clear juice that sometimes builds up on the top of ketchup. I wipe myself off, while I am busy with this job I become aware of the the dude who took my order. He's right beside me apologizing for this incident. I look at him and tell him it's no problem for I had been sprayed far worse in the past. As a sophomore I had a ketchup all over my white blouse. Actually I was quite drenched. I called my mom up and begged her to bring me a change of clothes. Bless her heart she came to my rescue! I even told her that I loved her in front of fellow students. As you know I risked everything by doing such an uncool thing. I didn't care, she left work so I could go through the day with some dignity.

I move on to sit down and eat my breakfast in peace. I enjoyed this solitary venture. Then along comes McDonald dude. He asks me whether I live on the southside of the city. I told him yes and explained that I worked at the local community college library. I figured he had seen me at the reference desk and was trying to place me.

I finish and move to the door. I stop and ask McDonald dude where he is from. He's got an unusual accent that I can't quite place. Madagascar is home. I leave thinking that our little friendly interaction is over but no wait there he is beside me in the parking lot. Now I realized when I asked him where he was from that he thought I was an attractive woman. For the appreciation gleaming in his eyes was quite frank and obivious. So I roll down the window thinking that perhaps he's noticed something wrong with the minivan. Boy was I in for a surprise! McDonald dude wanted to know whether I was married or not!!!! Yes, yes I am. Quite happily at that. I kid you not he did a full body "Ahhhhh, shucks!" Leg up; head down kinda thing.

Now I suppose I should be offended but I'm not. In fact he rather helped make the day go better. Here I am facing the new 30 in a couple of years and someone still finds me attractive! I'm a mother of 3 young girls. I haven't lost the baby fat from MI's gestation and I am still attractive! Please don't get me wrong McDonald dude was not nasty in the least in his appreciation. I certainly would have been truly offended if he had leered at me. I got the impression that perhaps I was a rare friendly face and he just thought he had to try.

So I arrive at my doctor's appointment and when I see Eye Doc he settles down for a session in reminiscing. We decide that he's been seeing me for 25 years. Eye Doc tells me how much he's enjoyed watching me grow into this wonderful woman who is bright and intelligent and a good mom. He then asks for a hug, and we hug a great big hug. I just love this man. He is so sweet. It's hard for me to believe that he was once a Marine. I learned that little nugget when he left me too long in his office once. I found his certificate of Honorable discharge from the Marines. I'm pretty sure that he spent time in Vietnam but I'm always hestitant to ask to confirm.

Looking back at the day I think it wasn't such a bad Monday after all.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

I wish I could have a Monday like that every once and a while. The only thing that would have improved it is if you'd won a small lotto cash prize!