Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm mad!

Yesterday, I called the doctor's office to find out whether they received the results of the ultrasound. This was two days after the radiology place said that the results would be in at the doctor's office.

Well the nurse called me back and said that they did not have the report and that they would either call me or send me something in the mail. Her tone of voice pretty much told me not to call back you freak. So I ended up turning into a freak. I wondered where in the world the report is? Did it get lost somewhere? Was it so unusual that the radiologist needed to call in to get some consultation?

So this morning I called the radiology place up and asked about where the report is because the doctor's office says they don't have it. They told me that my doctor has the report but that they would fax over another report to the doctor's. Okay. Now I'm pissed.

Okay, I realize that they may view my life as inconsequential. Fine. However, I love my family. If there are things I need to work on to prepare for whatever then I want that information, and I want it NOW. I don't believe that I am asking too much here. Plus I don't believe I've been too demanding. It's not like I've been calling every hour on the hour. I mean I waited two whole days before I called. I know there are far more aggressive individuals out there. I just don't like being treated as though I was behaving like one of them.

Now I plan to write my doctor to tell her about her general office staff and how her nurse treated me. Since my doctor built her new office things have changed and they are not for the better. Her office staff are generally rude and abrasive. Her nurse is not at all caring. I love my doctor but I am thinking about changing doctors because I really am not happy with her staff. Doctors don't really know what's going on in their office so when things are off you must let them know. I learned this from another doctor I've seen since I was a little girl. Once he had an employee that treated me quite rudely and disrepectfully one time. When I went to him to tell him what happened he thanked me. He told me that he loses patients and sometimes never knows why. So he told me that I must always let him know when his staff is not acting appropriately. I feel that this is the same situation. I am not a complainer. I do not expect extraordinary service but I do demand that you treat me with respect and care. If my doctor doesn't like what I have to say... Well I at least feel better knowing that I attempted to help her.

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