Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Everything's sagging

Well sorry I've been gone so long but life takes over. I am not a computer/internet phile so I'm not totally addicted to signing on and losing time. Last week I took the week off. Drama Queen and Storyteller had ballet camp. Instead of rushing around I took time off and had a leisurely vacation for myself. Originally I was going to work on our house we never sold but Passionfruit got whiff of my plan and went control freak on me. So after all that I told the man he could sell the house all by himself. I was quite pissed off so I went out and bought myself a couple of shorts and some blouses. Then I went out and bought DQ and ST twin beds. That'll teach Passionfruit not to piss me off! Which by the way I wished I had gotten the beds earlier because ST is staying in bed through the night. (Knock on wood!) Passionfruit is on a "we are too poor kick to buy anything big". So I just went with the bare bones mattress/foundation and frame set up.

The beds arrived on a Thursday. I spent most of Thursday cleaning the girls bedroom. While I cleaned the room I got a call from the doctor's office. They had the results for both of the procedures. My mammogram should some calcification growing on my right side. So I'm heading for more procedures on that front. The pelvic ultrasound should that my left ovary is low lying. Essentially not only are my breasts and ass sagging from age but apparently my ovary sags with age as well. This idea came from my very supportive sister-in-law, Bananna. (See I finally named you!)

So for all those who may have been worried, never fear, I'm still out here! I'm alive and kicking. Life in our house has pretty much settled down. Miss Independence is not getting in trouble daily at school. MI must have picked up on the undercurrents going on at the time. Amazingly ST didn't seem to pick up on the charged environment or she is just old enough to have coping mechanisms.

Oh by the way, Passionfruit took the beds very well. I really expected him to throw a fit. On Thursday I encouraged him to stay late at work. Which he did because there are lots of deadlines coming up for him; I love information, so many times you can use it to your advantage all under the guise of supportive spouse. I don't know when Passionfruit came home Thursday but Friday morning his comment to me was, "I'm going to go fix myself breakfast. I'll try not to trip over the beds out there." See I left the toddler beds in the front room, you have to walk through that room to get to our bedroom. I asked him if he was mad, and Passionfruit said, "Quite frankly I'm relieved not to have to make a decision." So in the end I didn't even get the satisfaction of upsetting Passionfruit. That's okay. I love him very much, and I really didn't want too much fracas in our life anyway.

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