Monday, May 29, 2006

Mom's medical situation

Since May of 2005 my mom's health has been failing. It's like the doctor's touch one thing and the next thing you know another thing goes wrong in her poor body. May 19th she under went gall bladder surgery to remove that stone filled organ. We all thought that this was going to be easy. Boy were we wrong.

Instead Mom ended up in more pain than ever before. It was awful to watch her. Mom was in agony. So Monday she had blood tests. Tuesday she had an MRI. Wednesday Mom had two tests run: Hyde-a-scan and a CT (Cat scan); Thursday brought another round of blood tests. I failed to mention that Mom was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday. Friday Mom went back into the operating room. Hopefully this will be the end to all the troubles.

A week ago I was hoping that the surgeon could take the gall bladder out by way of laproscopy. Now I wish I never hoped such a thing. Funny, the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for.", certainly resonates around here. Now, I wish that they had just opened up the old girl and taken care of everything all at once. OH WELL, hindsight's twenty/twenty.

I remember back to when Passionfruit's mother started getting sick. Passionfruit kept a detailed log of everything that happened. When my Dad got sick I remember I marked things down on the calendar. I kept that calendar. I'm not doing that with Mom. I don't know why. I've pondered this. Could it be that I don't want to acknowledge my mother's mortality? Do I think if I don't record all this Mom won't get worse? Then again I seem to be logging it here. Hmmm.

Well I'm happy to report that Mom has moved from the Intermediate Care to a regular surgical floor. I don't like the Intermediate Care. It's noisy and smells bad. I/I reported that Mom is in a private room. I hope this helps Mom. I know she dreads room mates after the one she had during the colon surgery episode. For those that don't know Mom had a room mate that was crazy. The woman kept ripping the IVs out of her hands, and Mom felt threatened by her.

So let us hope that this is the end of Mom's medical adventures for awhile.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

Tell your mom we are all thinking about her and keep us updated.