Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have some of the best sisters in the world. Each of them have been there for me at various times. Sister sister is the calming force in my life. She's also the doom and gloom sister. Sister sister is also silly and funny.

But my sister, I don't get mad; I get even, is the rock. I gave birth twice and I don't know how I would have done it with out her by my side. Our mother certainly wasn't going to be there. If I had to characterize I/I, I would have to say that she is my knight in shining armour. She has always come forward and fought for me.

When I was staying at home with the girls it was I/I that made the tough days easier. I/I always supported my choice to stay home and care for my children. I remember when Storyteller was just an infant and she would start to cry for no reason. ST would cry and cry without letting up. Noo, she wasn't colicy. Storyteller was plain cranky. I would call I/I up grasping for some adult interaction before I went crazy. It was I/I that came up with the solution-- take her outside. It always worked. Storyteller would calm down and stop crying for a while no matter the weather.

Another time that I/I was there for me was getting the nursery ready for Drama Queen. There I was all alone in that house waiting for Passionfruit to come home with DQ. All I had to do was pull the nursery together. Easy huh? No, not when you are pregnant, scared and worried. In rides, I/I to save the day. I/I brought over Tex. Between the three of us we pulled that nursery together one Saturday. I/I even made the curtains for that room. Even though we've moved to a new house I simply can't get rid of those curtains.

Looking back, I remember when I/I married Cowboy. I wasn't happy but it turns out the Cowboy is a good guy afterall. Plus he makes a mean margarita. Thanksgiving last year I/I, Cowboy and Tex came to my house early; they helped out alot. Then I/I took mom back over to her house for the procedure that needs done about once a week, Cowboy was left behind. Cowboy helped out in the kitchen and I really enjoyed working with him. He can cook in my kitchen anytime. What a joy to ask for something be done without having to go into detail about how to accomplish the task.

When I was in college I had a professor that tried to get "to know" me better by flunking me and encouraging me to visit with him after hours. Well I decided that I would try to drop the class. I needed his signature to do that so I had to go to his office. I/I went with me. She coached me on what to do and what not to do. Turns out that he tried to do every one of the things she warned about. I/I not only coached but she was there to support me.

I admire my sister, I/I. She is so much I will never be. Though we may at times see things differently I know that I/I will always be there for me no matter what. I thank God for my sisters.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

I hope you will be able to communicate the importance of sisters to your 3 little girls. It's obvious your own are so important to you!