Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Driving and Walt Disney

Lately my children get into the car with me. Nothing strange there, right? As we progress closer to our destination out of the back I hear strains of a song that sounds vaguely familiar yet totally foreign.

Wracking my brain I realize my children are singing a whacked out version of "Staying alive" from the Bee Gees. Something like this, "Staying ala, staying ala. Ahh. Ahh. Ahh. Staying ala." No matter how many times I try to correct them they gleefully continue with the former manifestation. Now I'll admit I like the Bee Gees, I'm either dating myself or revealing my nerdiness. I don't care, either way I like them. However, despite the fact that I like them I do not own any CDs, LPs or audiocassettes by the Bee Gees. I don't know where they've picked it up. I don't like what my children have done to this song.

Once again I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out where they possibly picked up this little nugget of the late 70s, early 80s. Ohh!!!!!!!!!! Chicken Little. Walt Disney animation has the insanely shaped pig, Runt, singing it while he is running around space ship scared out of his mind. Now I'm sure they stuck it in there to appeal to the parents of the wee ones they are marketing to to keep their interest in this silly movie but I'm not sure I like the end results. Why do they have to go and ruin a song for me. I'm sure I will be lying on my death bed hearing the sweet voices of my children singing, "Staying ala, staying ala...". God save me!!!!!!!!!!

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