Friday, October 05, 2007

Our wiggly ways

The other night we ate dinner. Of course, we eat dinner every night. What was singular in this ordinary event is our two oldest daughters.

After the meal was mostly consumed DQ and ST sat wiggling their upper front teeth. Each of them have a loose front tooth. They are the exact opposite of the other. DQ's is so loose that the tooth is just hanging on by a thread. It's really gross to look at her. It gives her a really odd look to that tooth. I mean it's literally slanted. ST's tooth isn't quite so loose. But I suspect ST will lose her tooth first since she tends to be far more active than DQ. ST has reported that it hurts to brush her teeth so I'm guessing she doesn't do much tooth brushing.

Yesterday ST reported that she spent the recess period sitting under a tree wiggling her tooth. DQ doesn't seem quite that pre-occupied with her tooth. I really, really can't wait for her to loose that tooth. Of course once they loose one it makes the other unstable and it generally falls out pretty quickly; or so the dentist says. I wonder if this Christmas DQ and ST will sing "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth."?


Adjective Queen said...

My little sister used to dread pulling her teeth. We called her Scraggly Tooth. It would literally hang by a thread. So gross!

QueenBee said...

LP's tooth is loose too! Man we have so much in common.