Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Big Undertakings

Last night Passionfruit and I watched a very, very funny movie. Undertaking Betty is it's name. YES! Folks, I remembered the name of the movie! It got us laughing. We laughed so hard and so long. We even ended up remembering the many funny things that happened to us during our life together.

See we were getting ready for bed. We were laughing. We couldn't do some things like take our meds because of the laughter. Brushing our teeth, laughing and trying to talk about the movie got us both thinking about the time when I was brushing my teeth. Passionfruit asked me a question and I tried to answer. Well I don't know how I did it, and I've never been able to reproduce the sound but I made a noise that sounded like Chew Bokah on Star Wars. More laughter. Thus began the reminiscing.

Which of course only led to more laughter. See our first year of marriage was pretty funny. I've talked in the past about how finky Passionfruit can be about somethings. Cleaning the lint tray of the dryer is one of them. I was young and in love. I wanted to be a good wife. So I did my best at cleaning the lint tray and trap. I frequently used rubber scrappers as tongs to get clumps of lint out of the lint trap. One time I lost one down there. My hands were too wide to get down there so I tried getting another scrapper to dig it out. Well finally after loosing that one down the trap I finally managed to get one up to where someone could grab it. Unfortunately I didn't have a third hand. So I started calling for help. Passionfruit did hear me calling for help but he thought I was only using profanity. Yes, folks I swear horribly. I also have a horrible temper. So Passionfruit ignored me. I had to go find him and drag him back into the house to help me.

Here's another appliance story. This one involves the dishwasher and Passionfruit. Our dishwasher at the time was the original appliance from when the house was built back in 1975. This was 1994. Anyway Passionfruit became aware that the dishwasher had been running for hours non stop. So he takes the knob off and sees a wire wrapped around the rod for the knob. Passionfruit then picks up a pair of metal scissors and sticks it into that orifice. I grab a wooden spoon and place it next to him. Passionfruit asks, "What's that for?" I reply, "For when you electrocute yourself." Passionfruit scoffs at me. I turn away. The next thing I hear is a popping sound. I turn to see Passionfruit jumping away and giving a very good imitation of someone with voltage running through his body. I mean he had the shimmy and the shake going. Of course the puff of smoke added to my distress. I just knew my new husband had done himself in this time. I imagined that people would accuse me behind my back of killing my older husband. I was so angry with him. I was so scared.

Then Passionfruit brought up the time when I slid off the bed. I love satin. I was wearing a satin night shirt and I had a satin comforter on our bed. I was young back then and I got cold so very easily. Our bed at the time did not have a foot board. So I crawled across the bed to get another blanket that had fallen on the floor, and that's when it happened I lost my balance and went careening off the bed. All I remember is how fast the floor was coming up to meet my face. Passionfruit's perspective was far more amusing because he said that he saw me go slidding and then the next thing he knew my feet were up in the air.

These are the highlights to our first year of marriage. I know there were several others because back then we had weekly dinners at my parents house. When we would get to the table everyone wanted the newest story from our married life. I'm pretty sure that there wasn't a week we weren't able to give everyone a story. Passionfruit and I love to laugh. We laugh at each other. We laugh with each other. But laughter is so very important to us. Life is too short to be so serious.


Anonymous said...

I know what you're up to with all these memories...it's that time of year...Happy, Happy Anniversary!!

(Well, truthfully, I don't rightly remember the exact date or anything, but I DO know it's right about any day now, isn't it? I mean, I do remember certain details vividly, 'cause it was my very first visit to Oklahoma & it was warmish & yet already mid-to-late October & sooo beautiful there. And it was the best, most-fun wedding I've ever attended! Yay!!)

Anonymous said...

Yes. The 22nd is our 13th wedding anniversary. Thank. Not only was the wedding fun but the marriage is, too. pastgrace