Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Miss Independence

Have I ever mentioned that MI talks with a Jewish accent? I remember when she was going through the babbling stage. MI made a lot of German type sounds. Sounds like iech, shin were her favorites. Perhaps I am the cause of her pronounciation? I always thought it was cute to hear the iech coming from her. So I would iech right back. MI uses a lot of oy's in her speech, too. Turkey sounds like toykey. Thoysty for thirsty.

Well last night we were working thourgh the project bag the preschool sent home with her yesterday. They were shapes. Little plastic shapes that you use to create other shapes. Essentially they are math manipulatives. While we worked MI kept saying, "I need a whombus." We all thought that was pretty cute. Passionfruit asked her where she heard that. Passionfruit explained what whombus meant to DQ and ST.

After a while I get the instructions out of the bag to find out what we need to be doing with these things. That's when I realize that MI wasn't saying whombus. She was saying rhombus. Rhombus is a diamond shape. I don't know if I ever knew that. Anyway, I tell PF that MI is saying rhombus not whombus. We both laugh for a while.

Yesterday evening was a very nice evening. ST and MI were pretty wild but they weren't fighting with one another. We had a really nice time with each other. So we spent our 13th wedding anniversary with our children. It was a nice quiet evening. It was cold and wet outside but it was warm and loving inside our house.

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