Friday, October 13, 2006

Mommy and the Biker Babe

Today at the library we saw a Biker Babe with a Harley. Miss Independence was completely taken by it. I approached the woman to ask questions about it. It wasn't your normal Harley. It looked like a tricycle. So I asked her if she had a side car that went with it. It turns out that Biker Babe had had an accident several months back and was not strong enough to hold the motorcycle up on her own. So essentially she had training wheels. It was a pretty clever contraption.

Anyway the woman offerred the girls a chance to sit on the Harley. Amazingly Drama Queen hopped right on, followed by Miss Independence. It was cool because the saddle had a fold down back. Storyteller had to wait her turn. As soon as Drama Queen and Miss Independence got down, up went Storyteller.

Then I herded my girls into our tame mini-van. While I was getting them put into their booster seats the Biker Babe came up behind me and asked if "Mommy" wanted to get on it. Well I was rather surprised. This was the first time in a long time another woman had flirted with me. Okay in writing it seems rather innocent but my mother always said, "It ain't what you say-- it's how you say it." And that is true in this case. So I kindly declined her offer and chuckled to myself.

After the girls were in their appropriate seats, Miss Independence pushed me away. She wanted to watch the woman rev up the motorcycle. Like I said the lady was paying us a lot of attention. Biker Babe asks what's up and I explained that Miss Independence wanted to watch her start up. Miss Independence's eyes were all a glow. She was having a thrill of her life. Miss Independence didn't even cringe at the roar of the Harley's engine. I wasn't allowed to close the door of the mini-van until the Biker Babe had left the parking lot.

So you see folks that my premonition of Miss Independence getting off a Harley ain't too far off the mark. Of late I've been realizing how much my children aren't me. Oh sure, Storyteller looks like me, and Drama Queen may act like me but they really aren't like me at all. Miss Independence is nothing at all like me: not in looks, acts or tastes. She is a wild child. But like I told her this morning that she is one unique child and how much I appreciate her uniqueness.

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