Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The evolutionary God

A rather devout Christian co-worker of mine gave me a handbill advertising a man. This man uses Dr. in his name. Now, I know next to nothing about this individual but I can tell you that he is most definitely a creationist.

My knee jerk reaction to this handbill is to scoff at it. I bristle with contempt because this man is going to use the Bible to explain away dinosaurs. He calls them "God's lizards."

Well this post has sat in my draft file for days now. I never seem to get to because my life is influx most of the time. In the time that I've had I've finally researched G. Thomas Sharp. Mr./Dr. Sharp is educated. He has a master's from OU and a PhD. from a Baptist college in Florida. I've been to his website. I've read his philosophy and his mission statement. Superficially it all sounds somewhat benevalent. Unfortunately like most fundamentalists of any religion there is a malevalent undercurrent. Basically it all boils down to the fact that if you believe in evolution you are embracing the devil and his ways.

Now, I would just like to make a few observations about evolution. To believe in evolution does not preclude God from creation. God is the Creator. If anyone has children they will know that a child will often "rework" their art work, over and over again. I see evolution as God reworking His creations.

Why do I liken God to children? Well there are several places in the Bible where Jesus infers that children are closer to God than adults. You know, where Jesus says that we must become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. That is my main evidence for evolution.

Second, my God is not a narrow God. My God has a sense of humor and is unlimited in his vision for the world. I think it is demeaning to think God works in such a narrow field as many of the rabid creationists place God and his works. God is unlimited and all knowing. We as mere mortals cannot fathom the depths of God.

Also, I would like to enter my second piece of evidence that evolution is God's work. Are we all not a testament to evolution? None of us are the same as we were when we were born. None of us are the same as when we were toddlers. We are not the same as when we were teenagers. The pattern continues throughout our lives. Every decade points to evolution. We evolve as humans.

Plus, I would like to go even further and point out the fact that every generation has evolved beyond what previous generations were. Look at old photographs of people. There are subtle differences in our forebearers. No one looks like anyone in the 1800s. It is difficult to describe what it is that marks them as being from another century. Our culture has certainly changed. If someone from the 1800s or even the early 1900s were dropped into our day they would be mortified at the lack of civility our culture has undertaken.

So I urge everyone to consider my evidence that evolution is not only a fact but an active force in our lives. I for one continue to evolve. And I hope that I evolve into a better human being with faith in God and His works.

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