Monday, October 09, 2006

Where is the video camera when you need one?

Yesterday, we sat down to dinner as a family. This is not all that odd. I work very hard to have this family time together. Before every meal we say a grace to thank God for his blessings.

Well our youngest has taken an active role in saying grace. In fact, Miss Independence demands that she leads the prayer. Which I think is rather cute. It is also something that I am not very familiar with since my family of origin said the prayer together without any one individual standing out... other than my father who would lead off the pray.

So, just before dinner Miss Independence and Storyteller get into this huge dramatic fight. Lots of screaming and crying. I manage to break it up before anyone sustains any physical damage. It end with me giving each girl a balloon. Storyteller apparently did not get the one she wanted. So she throws the balloon down shakes her hands up and down while she is jumping up and down. Also her scream is apparently loud enough to call in Passionfruit from the garage. The next thing I know Storyteller runs to a corner and stands there facing into it. I am totally shocked and amazed because I realize that Storyteller really wants to hit Miss Independence.

During this lull I manage to get dinner ready. Miss Independence continues to nurse her grievances. I go to Storyteller and tell her how proud I am of her for handling the situation as she did, and I ask her if she is ready to join us for dinner. Storyteller agrees to come to dinner.

When we all get there Miss Independence starts the prayer. Her voice is sad. As the prayer progresses she sounds sadder and sadder. Tears start wellling in her eyes. Finally the dam breaks and the tears course down her cheeks. Her voice is one step before a sob. Passionfruit starts to laugh. Drama Queen starts to laugh. Then Storyteller and I are laughing. Most amazingly this makes Miss Independence laugh, too!

Passionfruit and I both wish we had a video camera going. So many great and funny things happen and we never get it recorded. It makes you realize just how wonderful those videos on American Funniest Home Videos are. Those folks just got lucky. That or they walk around with a camcorder taped to their foreheads.

Just another funny day in our lives. Oh yes, Passionfruit went on to make a funny faux pas. Drama Queen wanted a drink of his juice. When Passionfruit brought it to the table he started to pour the juice into Drama Queen's soup bowl. Passionfruit offered to pour it into her cup but I agreed with Drama Queen that was just too yucky.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

Sometimes I wonder how much blasphemy we take part in during our family prayers. I figure God's got to have a sense of humor, or we'd all be struck dead by lightning by now!