Thursday, October 19, 2006

Miss Independence and the wedding

Earlier this week Miss Independence packed her own backpack for school. One must remember what I've nicked-named her here to understand that I don't go through her personal bag. MI carried this bag, and I pretty much didn't pay any attention.

That is until we got to preschool. MI rushes off leaving me in her wake. I walk into the classroom and I can't find her. The other children tell me she's in the bathroom changing. I walk in and sure enough the little monkey is stark naked. It looks to me like she's changing into a nightgown on my first glance. Then I realize that it is her Cinderella costume. She's even brought matching shoes!

So I go tell her teachers that I leave them to deal with her because she won't listen to me. I then kiss my daughter good-bye and sincerely hope she has a good day.

Later that day when I came to pick up my little darlin' the teacher told me the rest of the story. Her teacher attempted to explain why Miss Independence ought not wear her costume. Well this line of reasoning did not work. MI raced to the "house center" and sat down on the little person sized couch. The teacher went over to her and asked her what was up. MI responded with, "I want to marry Luke!" So the teacher replied with, "Luke's not here, so the wedding's off." This seemed to placate her, and she took off the dress.

Now I wonder what would have happened if Luke had been there. Would he have been a willing bridegroom? Would they have gotten MI out of the costume? Please believe me that I in no way shape or form encourage this fixation MI has on marrying Luke. I do not react at all. I figure if I ignore it it will go away. So when will this end? And won't it be funny if she came home with Luke in the future?


Adjective Queen said...

Who is Luke? Is he real or imaginary? Or Luke Skywalker? I was a Han Solo girl myself.

QueenBee said...

I must say you are a patient mom. I would have thrown a tantrum myself at the idea of my preschooler wanted to get married. If kids only knew what life has in store they'd slow down a bit. Good luck!

pastgrace said...

Yes, Luke is real. He's a cutie but I don't know how willing he is in this drama.

queenbee, I am so with you. I wish my eldest and youngest would just be little girls.

On top of all that I wish my stupid siblings would parent their teenage children more appropriately. Do they not realize that my children are watching these older kids and thinking that is the way to behave? My brother allows his teenage son not only to drap himself over his girlfriend but to stroke her in very initimate ways. It's like a P&P display except you can understand that they are the stupid teenagers. What I don't understand is the stupid parents. But get this, my brother and his wife are allowing the girlfriend to MOVE IN. After all she comes from a terrible home life situation! DUH! Why didn't they let the boyfriend that had a bad home life move in with them, then? Boy, they are just a bunch of two-face individuals. NOT OUR DAUGHTER. BUT WE WILL EXPOSE SOMEONE'S ELSE'S DAUGHTER TO THE DANGERS OF INTIMATE LIVING! I mean if their son is all but slathering over the girl in public do they think that the girl sleeping in the next room is going to be safe? Not to say that she isn't culpable or an unwilling participant. I'm just saying that I'm going to be a great aunt pretty soon.

Sorry for going off on you guys but the lack of parenting these young people is appalling.