Friday, October 13, 2006

Farewell to tap

Yesterday, Storyteller made her final decision. She won't be tapping anymore. This so surprised me how Storyteller disliked tap classes. I thought she would love the noise making.

The owner of the studio came up with a theory that Storyteller doesn't like it because all the girls in the class are in the ballet class right before. There aren't any other girls that join in for just the tap like Storyteller. So in essense Storyteller is walking into the class cold and alliances and friendships are made already. Storyteller is the outsider.

Well I would have believed that except yesterday two different girls grabbed Storyteller by the hand to take her into class. Storyteller kept escaping and they kept coming back to bring her back to the studio. So I really think the girls in the class like her. Who knows what goes on in that child's mind; or any child's mind for that matter.

Personally, I don't mind that I won't have to rush around on Thursday. It will make it slightly cheaper on the pocketbook, too.

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