Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday evening antics

Well it's finally happened. Drama Queen got hurt. I mean a hurt worthy of all her normal hysterics. Usually Drama Queen screams and cries like she has a mortal injury no matter the severity of the injury. I'm serious. Drama Queen, one day not too long ago, ran into the house screaming as though she had been stung by a bee/wasp or perhaps found an intruder in the garage. Both Passionfruit and I explained to her that that response was inappropriate and should never be done again unless her entrails were hanging out of her. (Okay, we didn't quite put it in those words but that was what we meant.) Oh by the way the offending creature was a cricket. I feel like a failure as a mother to a child of China because Drama Queen hates crickets and will get them killed for her. I sat one day watching her encourage a large black bird to eat a cricket. The poor thing never had a chance with Drama Queen pointing out the cricket's latest hiding place.

But I digress. Last night I was living my life as a single mother of three small children. I was in the bathroom with the youngest who was enjoying a bath. Drama Queen and Storyteller were running about playing. As any mother knows the volume of the play indicates whether or not the children are horseplaying. Well they were loud last night. First, Drama Queen came into the bathroom crying. She'd been kicked. I reminded them that horseplay precipitates injury. I asked them to stop playing so roughly. They denounced my statement and ran out of the bathroom. Not more than two minutes later Drama Queen was back in the bathroom screaming like she was dying. Hardening my heart against such a display. I calmly told her that she would live and that horseplay does indeed end with someone getting hurt.

After a few minutes Miss Independence was out of the bath. Maybe she wanted in on the action, I really don't know. I then went in to tell Drama Queen to get a hold of herself. She came out of her bathroom and the light hit her face just right. My heart sank to my feet. Drama Queen had every right to be crying and whimpering. The poor thing had what would be a black eye! The corner of her eye was already swelling. I ran and put ice in a wash cloth. Still I knew Drama Queen was going to have a shiner. I felt so heartless. I found Storyteller and told her that she must not ever throw anything. EVER. I made Storyteller go to her room. I hurried to put ice on Drama Queen's eye. I held her and gave her kisses.

Finally I got Drama Queen calmed down. Got all of them ready for bed. I read stories to them in the mach king size bed in Drama Queen and Storyteller's bedroom. I even laid down and slept in the middle for a little while. After awhile they drifted off to sleep. I got up to do some house work.

Passionfruit had stayed at work to finish some big project. Never once did I call him to tell him of our activities. He came home around 9:00PM. All the while he was fixing his dinner I looked at him trying to decide whether or not to tell him about the black eye. Passionfruit knew something was up. He kept asking "What?" I kept putting him off. Finally I decided that it would be best if I told him. Passionfruit was shocked. So that was the end of my evening.


Adjective Queen said...

Do you think after this incident she'll be able to adjust her volume the next time she gets a little boo boo, now that she knows what a big boo boo feels like?

pastgrace said...

One would think so; unfortunately, it is not to be. Last night she bumped her neck/head on the bar in the kitchen. Sameo sameo.