Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cat blogs, etc.

Adjective Queen recently wrote a blog. She was HOT! It's funny to think how the opinions of others effect us so. Basically Adjective Queen was offended by what a lot of people think about blogs. Many of the opinions she noted basically said they are a waste of time. Boring drivel about walking their dogs and what they ate litter the world of blogging.

I come from a social science background so I don't really think that in the end these blogs are going to be viewed as inconsequential to mankind. In fact I'm surprised that more sociologists and anthropologists aren't studying this media. Also I think that historians will find some value in them, too.

NPR has done a lot of reports lamenting the email situation. People are corresponding with emails instead of letters. Historians were bemoaning the fact that people don't save their email but delete it! Can you imagine!?! They wanted to know how they were going to be able to write about history in the future if this trend continued. Well, may I suggest that blogs are going to take the place of the old fashion letter and diaries. As long as someone maintains these sites to preserve the material, historians will be able to study what we are doing now. What I see as a problem is who is going to maintain the technology so access will be indefinite.

So never fear Adjective Queen-- Your blog will someday pique the interest of some sociologist, or historian. As for mine? A lot of the really good stuff hasn't been published. They remain as drafts. They are either too personal or too rambling to put out there for viewing. I wonder if my children would benefit from some of these entries but then again maybe not. So I figure I will either delete them or copy them to a more controlled venue.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

I think blogs are interesting. You should read St. Fiacre's latest posting. Wouldn't you love to have read something like that written by your mom or dad when you were a teen? I really hope blogs do become objects of study. Maybe by you??