Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lost entries

It never ceases to amaze me that on my drive to work I think of all kinds of things to address in my blog only to forget them as soon as I sit down to write. It's happened to me again, today. I'm sitting here, and I am sure that whatever I was going post would be "the piece". The thing that would get me noticed.

Alas, I must admit that I am a writer wannabe. For years now I've thought that there is a book inside of me longing to get out; however, I am paralized by the knowledge that I can't write. All through grade school and high school teachers beat it into my head that I could not write.

Now I have a wonderful support group. These folks massage my ego with their comments here on the blog. It's nice to be appreciated. So thank you for your kind words. While I was in college I discovered I could write some pretty good comical observations. In fact at one point I wanted to be the next Erma Bombeck.

As I mature I find that I write better every year. I know I'll never get published in the traditional sense, and I don't think I really want to anyway. Sister Sister knows a sister of an author who recently got a book not only published but someone in Hollywood wants to make it into a movie. Sister, Sister got to read the original manuscript and then read the published book. Sister, Sister made an observation that the two were not the same story. She said she liked the manuscript better. And of course we all know that the movie will most likely only make a nod to the novel.

So the other value of blogs is the ability to publish oneself without the meddling editor and publisher. Please, don't misunderstand, I understand that editors do great jobs of helping authors publish polished works but there is a trend too to take a story and remake the whole thing for what is believed will sell. It's a business and you have to protect the bottom line. That is cool. After Queen went on the rampage about people dissing blogs, I went out there and did some surfing around. I found that there are people who are self publishing fiction. There are also photographers publishing their photos in blogs. My sister-in-law does just that. It will be interesting to see the development of the blog world.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

I do the same thing! I come up with these great ideas at night, and then when I sit down to write, I can't remember what it was I came up with. So frustrating!