Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More sexy neighbor tales

Well, I finally got all the icicle lights up on the house last week. To do this we had to borrow an extention ladder from the "perfect family" down the street. By the way their house and yard had been decorated for a couple of weeks. Let's just say Santa shouldn't have trouble finding their house on Christmas eve. All their trees have lights; their sidewalk leading up to the front door is lit like a runway; the house roof is outlined in lights. I think they even have those reindeer made from lights in their front yard.

After completing the task of the lights I returned the ladder. This was on Saturday early afternoon. Sexy neighbor comes to the door, her hair perfect brushed and wavy, cute jeans and a red blouse with one of those sweater things that glitter (I think they're called shrugs?). She had been vacuuming her living room. All of the rooms that I could see into were decorated for the holiday. So I told her I had left the ladder in her garage (they leave it open most the time) and I asked whether they were having a party. The older boy (who I think DQ has a crush on) was dressed rather smartly himself. Sexy neighbor said they were having a few guest this week but not today. So I looked at her and asked, "Do you always dress up to clean house?" "I mean do you do yard work in evening wear?"

Of course she denied dressing up to clean house. They had been to the oldest son's recital. I didn't have the presence of mind to ask what he played. I was simply amazed that the woman could clean house and still look so damn put together. Truly aggravating!

Now I have to explain that I like this woman. She has a great sense of humor. But for some reason she makes me feel inadequate. I don't think she even intends to do that. (You guys know what I mean we all know at least one woman who works hard at making you feel inferior to her.) She is really a down to earth kind a person and is fun to be around. I just wish I had some of her style.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

Well, for the 2nd year in a row, we have procrastinated putting up the Christmas lights outside. I like to use the excuse, "We are trying to be more environmentally friendly," but the truth is, we are just too dang lazy to make the effort.

And you should see the outfit I put on to work in the yard: my tie-dyed pink/purple sweats with white multi-stained long sleeve shirt. To do housework: it's the lilac pajamas. I won't be winning any beauty pageants, that's for sure!