Monday, June 30, 2008

Mid-life Crisis

This is my fortieth year. Truly, it doesn't bother me to be turning the big 4O but I have to admit I've got somethings going on in my head. So I'm going to share with you all my mid-life crisis "project". Here it is in color, I want a trike or maybe this one.

I'm not courageous enough to go for a motorcycle but a trike would be cool. Of course, I doubt that PF would take me seriously. So maybe I will have to wait until the kids are out of the house.


Adjective Queen said...

I want a scooter. I really, really want one. Like a Vespa. It would be so great!

QueenBee said...

I'm really looking forward to my
40th (next year!) I'm finding as I age, I like myself even more.