Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All the posts that aren't

Well over the past weeks and days somethings have happened that Passionfruit felt ought to go in my blog.

For instance, during the week of children with no school Sexy Neighbor came by to give us a bag of Ice Melt. Their drive way is prefectly level unlike their old house. I went to the door and spoke to her with my new fashion statement hair do. I tried bringing back the Pebbles look but it didn't work. Passionfruit grimaced each time he looked at me. I have to give it to Sexy Neighbor she managed to keep the laughter from surfacing. I don't think I want to play poker with that chick.

I know that there were others. But I've forgotten them. I have my own I want to tell. The other night I had a nightmare. I mean a nightmare! I had aliens, vampires, Frankenstein monsters. You get the picture. Well the dream ended with the screaming banshee. This banshee was terribly loud... so loud it woke me up... and Passionfruit, too. In fact Passionfruit (who sleeps very lightly) was thrashing about attempting to stay in bed. I had been screaming like a banshee in my sleep. I even heard myself as I was woke up to the thrashing. Once he managed to stay in bed he frantically reached over to console me. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your point of view I suppose, I was quite well awake by then. In fact I was giggling with mirth because of Passionfruit's antics. Passionfruit asked me what was wrong. I told him I had a nightmare. Puzzled he kept asking me why I was laughing. I didn't have the heart to tell him why at that moment.

In fact I'm still lol. I didn't see any of the antics they were just perceived through my other senses but it is still hilarious. I was really, really loud. No wonder Passionfruit acted like we were being invaded. I'm going to have to stop writing. I'm disturbing the library customers with my chuckles.

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