Monday, November 26, 2007

The Anti-American Woman

I am not a red blooded American woman. I realized this truth the day after Thanksgiving when I called a couple of women I know that have Pamper Chef contacts. Neither of them were at home. No they were out shopping. They were contributing to the well being of our economy.

Where was I? I was at home doing nothing. I watched some movies with my dear little girls. I let them play computer games on my laptop. I played with my children. I talked with them. I even read a book. I read books to my children, too. My Saturday was much the same. We never left the house once. PF did. Both Friday and Saturday PF got out of the house. He tried to take a child with him but none of them were having it. Sunday we went to Church. I took the girls down to the barn and we played upstairs. We threw balls around. We danced. The girls built themselves a cool house out of these foam mats. Never imagined that as a possibility. Quite frankly I am rather proud of their ingenuity.

Adjective Queen wanted a Thanksgiving story. Well our Thanksgiving was remarkably uneventful. No one got on anyones nerves. OK. DQ was totally pissed off with the Macy's parade. They kept advertising High School Musical. She just knew they were going to do a number from the movie. All they had were Corbin Bleu and Ashley Tisdale singing on floats that had nothing to do with HSM. So there's DQ first lesson as a consumer.

But anyway here's what happened: my sister hosted the dinner. I got at least 10 phone calls leading up to the day. On one phone call she confesses that she has 27 people coming for dinner. So PF and I start counting heads in the family. We only have 21 people in the extend local family. So obviously she's got some guests coming. Knowing that there is a lot on her table I get to her house early to help out. My dear b-i-l, Tex drives me crazy harassing me about knocking the table where the rolls are rising. Tex also attempts to get me pickled early but I resist. And I do not drink anything all evening so perhaps that is why the night was so uneventful.

So I guess you can sum up my Thanksgiving weekend as a boat floating calmly in the waters. I didn't even brave the crush of people out shopping for their Christmas goods. Luckily I am almost done. I got Tex and my niece's husband's name to shop for Christmas presents. Otherwise I'm good to go. Actually it was because I got Tex's name that I discovered that I am not a normal American woman. And yes folks I know that I am never normal.


Anonymous said...

Yay and Amen for that! And you, just the way you are!!

QueenBee said...

What?! No shopping. No, I didn't brave the mad crowds either. EVERYTHING has gotten so commercialized. I mean, people were talking about black Friday before Halloween.

I think it's great that you spent time with the girls. Spending time with loved ones seems to be a fading value.

Adjective Queen said...

You'd have to put a gun to my head to get me out on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I don't know why people do that to themselves.

We played a game of cards with Sport the other night and you'd think we'd given him $50. He loved that and laughed his head off when he beat us several times.