Saturday, July 17, 2010

DQ Blizzard.

DQ. DQ is going through some changes. She is so emotional these days. It's really quite funny and pathetic all at the same time.

I feel for her because my mother and my sister, I don't get mad/I get even, really aren't sympathetic. I think they think I baby her too much but really I remember feeling similar things when I was her age. I feel her pain. She so wants to be grown up but she knows that she won't be anytime soon.

It's funny to watch her get upset. Things upset her and she doesn't understand why. I remember that too. Gosh those darn hormones are such pesty things.

DQ, is so tiny still. She can fit into size 4t clothing and the only thing wrong with them is the length. She needs size 10 clothing but even the slim pants are too wide for her waist.

So some of her favorite sayings are, "I hate this family"; "I hate my sisters" ; "I hate you" ; "I hate daddy". Pretty typical stuff for her age but I know this is all just the beginning.

I just hope she knows that I love her. I love her and I'll be waiting for her at the end of this tunnel with open arms.

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