Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to school and all its frustrations

The first day of school was yesterday. DQ started 2nd grade and ST started 1st grade. The girls were terribly excited to be returning to school. I think ST will have a better year. The school is now a familiar place. She has friends there from last year. DQ is thrilled to be in a class room that was a originally the teachers' lounge. I as the mother am not thrilled because the room was not design as a class room.

When we went to meet the teacher night last Friday, the room that DQ is in was very difficult to get into. A long narrow passage leads into the room. Parents and kids were backed up in this confined space. Now as I write this I worry about a fire. Will that class be able to remain calm enough to traverse this space and get out? Okay, I better stop worrying about that.

This morning I was treated to a wonderful struggle of wills with MI. We had breakfast at the school this morning. MI did not want to leave. She wanted to stay. I tried to make it sound good for her to go to preschool but she didn't think it was grand at all to be the oldest in preschool. She didn't like the idea of having to be the role model for the younger kids. She wanted to be in Kindergarten. From now on I'm dropping my little munchkins off at the door.

To top it all off when I finally got MI into the car and buckled up we got behind an individual who felt she was above the traffic sign informing her that only a right turn during this morning rush is allowed. Oh how I wish the cops would sit there and hand out tickets. But we live in a suburb and the school is located in the city. The school belongs to the county but resides in the city so I fear the city doesn't feel all that compelled to patrol the area. In fact one never sees the city police in the area. Those houses in the area are frequently burgalerized. I hear the mothers talking about how they were robbed last night. Another says, "Yes, we were robbed last night, too." If it were me living in that area I would certainly be complaining. I mean the way they talk about it is so casual, so matter of factly. They are resigned to being victims.

My friend QueenBee has a blog entry about the commonness of our culture. Isn't the above another example of people accepting bad behavior? What a soapbox I've become. Someday I'll have something funny to write but not today. Today I'm just too frustrated.

1 comment:

QueenBee said...

New school years-- who more stressed, the parents or children? My kids started last week and by Friday, DQ's math teacher called to inform me that DQ didn't have her homework.

Yesterday, LP's teacher wrote a note that she talked all day, even during work time.

Let the fun begin!