Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fickle sisters? Or are they thick as thieves?

One wonders the dynamics of children. One day recently in our "happy home" it wasn't so happy. I don't remember exactly what happened to cause DQ to slap Miss Independence but it happened. I told DQ to go to her room and only come out when she was able to act in a more appropriate manner.

This caused DQ to run from the room screaming that she hated me. ST went to console her older sister. A few minutes latter ST comes out to tell us that DQ is packing up and running away from home. Next I see MI slipping away from the room in a manner that can only be called furtive. More minutes pass and out comes ST. Apparently MI has decided to join DQ in running away. This doesn't seem to bother DQ at all.

Now I'm totally stumped because the whole reason DQ is running away is unfair treatment in regards to MI, ie., MI gets better treatment than DQ. Apparently the plans are to run to DQ's friend's house to live happily ever after. If they were unavailable perhaps the neighbors would take them.

Wondering how we handled this situation? Well we pretty much let them pack their bags, boxes and various other modes of transporting stuff. This went on for about an hour. At 9:00 P.M. we told them that it was too late to runaway, and they needed to go to bed. As DQ calmed down she decided not to runaway after all. MI still wanted to go. In fact, MI continued to runaway all week. (Never actually walking out the door.) She had a black backpack packed. MI kept taking it to preschool all week. It snowballed to taking her slumber bag to preschool. Yesterday when I picked her up and put her in the minivan she said, "Well I'm ready to runaway." At four I suppose she hasn't got the full mechanics of running away down.

What amused me more was ST. She seemed rather eager to get rid of both her sisters. This is the first time that she's displayed any feelings about not wanting siblings. DQ frequently wishes out loud that she were an only child. MI tells me she doesn't like her sisters, because they are mean to her. (Which in my opinion is true.) So I was amazed when we asked whether ST was going to runaway, and she said she was staying and helping her sisters to pack.

In conclusion the two that were at logger heads with one another became partners in a running away scheme. ST had no desire to runaway and appeared rather eager to get rid of her siblings. As I've reported before that alliances are ever shifting in the world of childhood, especially among siblings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story is a priceless classic! Oh, the many injustices (& justices) of siblinghood!! It's a masterful tale characterizing the storms of family life, the shifting dynamics/allegiances of sibling rivalry.

I especially love the twist of ST helping pack her sisters off, the better to have Mom & Dad & home all to herself! Not to mention MI's lingering fascination with the many possibilities of a runaway life, which probably had never occurred to her forewarned that this probably won't be the last time she considers it!

I'm still smiling at the picture(s) you've managed to create! Thank you!!