Thursday, November 17, 2005

A thought on Miss Independence

With the passing of my dear friend, Digger Dude, I am often struck now by how malignant the modern world is to our relationships. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world.

Everyday since Alan's passing I try to not rush. Unfortunately I don't always make it. I've been taking my daughter, Miss Independence, to her preschool and picking her up. Because of her stubborness I have recently grounded her from her fun activities. No more ballet classes. No more gymnastics. With this edict, we've been given time to "smell" the proverbial flowers. I allow her to range all over the grounds of the campus. I work at the local community college.

Miss Independence's favorite place is the drainage ditch that I jump every morning to go to work. Right now there is just the slightest amount of water in it, not even an inch. Miss Independence talks about the "ducks" that live in the ditch. They are not ducks but they are geese. The geese do not live in the ditch. The ditch drains into a pond where the geese live.

I wonder at Miss Independence and her tendence to call all avarian creatures ducks. Does she just like the word? I really don't think she can't tell the difference between birds and ducks. Miss Independence seems so very intelligent. Miss Independence loves thinking. Her little forehead is frequently furled in effort to think about things. Screw drivers are her favorite toy. Once she gets enough force behind her... I guess I'll have to approach everything very carefully.

What a tangent I got off on with Miss Independence. Unfortunately, Miss Independence, who is three years old, has gotten the best of me. Sometimes she totally cows me.

Why do I allow this little being frazzle me to no end?

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