Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I had an idea for something to post here but that is gone completely from my mind. Now I just want to rant about people with "New Age-y" ideals. I have some friends that are into all this touchy feel; feel good shit. What amazes me is that they have no qualms about telling you how mean-spirited you are; what you are allowed to say to and around them but yet they are the ones that are open-hearted and serene. Really? Because what I just describes sounds very controlling and kinda ranks on the rude side. Why can't I say things like I like pigs? I think their cute but I don't mind eating them. I'm being honest but somehow I'm mean. And another thing, no matter what my husband's family thinks I am a part of it. Whether they like it or not. They don't really include me in on the family business or flat out tell me that they are discussing something with him and I intruded on the conversation. Well I only did so because you were pondering how he got that way... Guess what folks I sullied the man. I did it. I'm proud of that. Guess I am mean spirited. I know I am when I'm mad. And yes I'm mad. You simper there with all those freaking "I'm so much better than you. I'm serene you aren't. I'm in touch with my feelings you aren't. You are HURTING." Well la-dee-da. So what if I'm hurting. Does that make me less of a person? I don't think so. I think it makes me real. Not only that but I would even suggest that I am the one in touch with my feelings. Give me a real person over some yoga, New Age person any day. I really love it when someone tells me what I'm feeling. REALLY????? Because as far as I know I'm alone in this body of mine. I am quite capable of telling you how I feel. Do you know what happens when someone tells me how I'm feeling? I get mad. REALLY, REALLY MAD. How dare you presume how I'm feeling? To me that is as bad as not listening to someone. Worse even. It is arrogant.